Baimbridge by remote

Lockdown Number 7 is underway

Our community is adapting so well to the sudden lockdowns and our Leadership Team is working to develop some consistent transition policy should this become a frequent occurrence.


In the mean time here's a few snapshots of life in remote learning - classrooms to come next issue. 


Subject Selections and Info nights held remotely due to Covid restrictions.

Health & PE crew on info evening.
Online Subject Selections
Health & PE crew on info evening.
Online Subject Selections

Can you guess who this is?

Our Staff meeting held a funny hat meeting this week - can you guess who didn't have a 'proper' hat??

Who is the mystery bucket head??
Who is the mystery bucket head??


We honoured our 4 legged furry friends last week when they have been by our side helping us through <3


Apologies to some of Mr C's students whose images could not be uploaded.


SWPB points have been allocated to students who provided us with photo's of themselves with their pooches.

Miss Kelly's pooch
Miss Kelly's pooch
Mr McKelvie's puppy
Mr McKelvie's puppy
The Jury's pupper
The Jury's pupper
Mr Tan's kids
Mr Tan's kids
Mr Hunters boy
Mr Hunters boy
Mrs MacDonald's pooches
Mrs MacDonald's pooches
That hair!!!!! <3
That hair!!!!! <3
Abby Mc's dog
Abby Mc's dog
Zoe's pooch waiting for the ball
Zoe's pooch waiting for the ball
Reet's smiley pupper
Reet's smiley pupper
Coby's Sheep Dog
Coby's Sheep Dog