Art News

Art News Week 6 Term 3

Over the past few weeks, our students have been exploring the works and styles of famous Australian artist Ken Done. Known for his enthusiastic use of vibrant colour and soft lines, Ken Done’s style lends itself so well to emerging artists. With most of his artwork celebrating our country and its landscape, it seemed fitting for him to be our artist of focus during the recent Olympic Games. Our overarching theme has been, “Under the Sea”


Our Grade Prep and Grade 1 students have added plenty of colour and sparkle to the gallery with the completion of their beautiful jellyfish! They all worked so hard, incorporating the techniques of both painting and collage to create their vibrant sea creatures!


Students in Grade 2 through to Grade 6 have been exploring the deep blue sea, with a specific focus on the coral reef. Through the use of greyleads and oil pastels students have drafted and completed their very own A3 coral reef inspired masterpieces.

Students have commented how much they have enjoyed the creation process and how proud they are of themselves and their artwork!


As always, we are very proud of our talented students here at Delacombe Primary School.

Mrs S