Prep News 

Written by the Prep Team

Dear Prep families, 


WOW! We cannot believe that we are at the end of Term Three! The students have continued to make us so proud with their resilience and determination throughout remote learning. We have loved seeing the students smiling faces each day on WebEx and it has been fantastic to see their learning showcased on Schoolbox. 


In Reading, students continued to inquire into different fairytales and this week explored,‘The Ninjabread Man’, where they were encouraged to identify the similarities and differences between this text and the original fairytale, ‘The Gingerbread Man’. The students had fun making predictions and some of them even got into character, acting out what they predicted would happen next in the story! When identifying character traits, the students utilised the skills they had learnt in Drama to dress up and perform their favourite part of the text and were encouraged to showcase the inside and outside traits of the Ninjabread Man. 



We have continued to be blown away by our students' dedication during small group focus sessions, both on WebEx and on site, and we have loved watching them practise their individual reading goals each week. We encourage the students to continue accessing PM Readers and Epic over the school holidays to foster the love for reading they have developed. 


In Writing, students continued to explore narrative writing and enjoyed using a variety of picture prompts to spark their imagination. Each class used the visible thinking routine, ‘See, Think, Wonder’, to capture the ideas of the students and it was fantastic to see them use their knowledge of narrative features to create their own interesting texts. We have enjoyed seeing the children gain confidence in their abilities as authors, as they have worked to make their writing detailed through the use of interesting leads and powerful language. The students may wish to continue writing over the holidays by sending a letter or card to a loved one or writing a story and sharing it with a neighbour! 



In Maths, students have inquired into the measurement and geometry concept of time, investigating both digital and analogue time. It was fantastic to see students build on their prior knowledge when creating their own clock and they were encouraged to consider the purpose of the short and long hands, focusing on telling time to the hour. We have loved seeing the students be active and time themselves completing tasks, such as brushing their teeth, making the bed or even reading a book. The students are encouraged to continue thinking about how time relates to their everyday lives, considering what time they complete certain tasks, such as going to sleep, or eating breakfast, and ask them to use their thinking skills to reflect on how long each activity takes.  

We would like to send a special THANK YOU to all our amazing families who have continued to assist our prep students throughout this term. We greatly appreciate your support and want you to know that your amazing efforts do not go unnoticed. So again, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU! 


Enjoy a well-deserved break and take some time out (and away from the screen) as a family. We can’t wait to hear about all the things you get up to when we return for Term Four. 


The Prep Team