
Written by Nelson Pasten

Hola comunidad de Agua Salada  


Welcome to Spring (La Primavera) 


Learning Spanish at school is not just about learning the language but also learning about the culture of some Spanish speaking countries. Food is a common interest that students share, and they also understand that is an important part of any culture. Learning more about this topic while discovering the world around them, can be a lot of fun in ways that they may find surprising and engaging. 


Last week I invited students in Year Six to join me via WebEx for an evening cooking session of classic Nachos.  I want to thank the students and parents that took part in what I can only describe as a fun and relaxed food discovery event. 

After each one of us finished our dishes we shared the food with our family, yummy! 



Keeping up with the Mexican theme I am including a link below with many simple recipes. I invite parents and students to select any recipe and try to cook it at home.  Let me know how you go, by posting a picture of the finished product on Schoolbox/Spanish page/Spanish blog. 


In our WebEx lessons students continued learning about: 


Directions in Spanish   

Facts of the Spanish speaking countries 

Location of different Spanish speaking countries, using maps 

Spanish cultural tradition and celebrations 

Facts about animals from South America 

Introduce themselves to build relationships  

Recognise primary colours and numbers 

Greet and farewell the teacher and their friends, based on the time of the day 

Contribute to activities or projects that involve naming, illustrating and writing simple sentences. 



To continue our Spanish Language learning journey and practice Spanish at home, please visit the following links and have fun learning a new language at home. 


High Five Spanish. 


Kahoot in Spanish. 

Quiz codes: (06898547), (05123219),(04073368) 



Click on the menu bar to access songs, videos and games in Spanish. 


Have a great holiday and see you soon! 


 Señor Pastén.