Visual Arts

Maria Nardo and Nishani Sooknandan

Welcome to the final Visual Art update for Term Three.  Well, what a term!  We have had so much fun watching the students during the remote learning WebEx sessions the last couple of weeks, with students spending time creating for their family and with their family.  Last week students chose a special person to create a gift or card for to celebrate how important they are to them.  


This week we have ‘flipped the script’ and had students act as the teacher.  It is said that you truly know how to do something when you are able to teach it to someone else, so the students were asked to be reflective and knowledgeable by looking back over this term’s work and choosing their favourite task to teach a family member.  


They needed to be caring and also great communicators in relaying their artistic knowledge for their ‘student’ to create their final piece.  We were delighted with the variety of work created and presented.  We would like to take this opportunity to say a sincere thank you to all the families and carers out there who have been so supportive of the students this term – as always.  We hope you have a safe, restful and enjoyable break from learning and we look forward to seeing all our creative artists for the final term of 2021.