Peanut butter and lots more!

The children had fun in a couple of cooking sessions over the past weeks.
The junior class cooked delicious looking blueberry pancakes and the whole school helped make some peanut butter. We ate some peanut butter toast too - just to check the quality of course…
P & C News
The P & C have kindly paid for the upcoming Art Lessons with Anna from Mullumbimby and have also approved some more painting around the school. We have engaged the talented Austin (who painted the other beautiful murals in the school) to paint the exterior of the toilets. The P & C also agreed to consider a change to the school values to Kind, Caring and Respectful.
COVID Restrictions
We are bound by the State Government COVID restrictions which means that we need to be mindful of the number of non-essential adults at school, within educational limits. Please ring Gaye if you need more information and if you need to collect your child. We apologise for any inconvenience, but these are mandated rules we are obliged to uphold.
Kindness Award
The winners of this fortnight’s kindness awards were Ebony and Myrtle and Oli and Talan. Congratulations!
Our attendance has improved over the last few weeks, although there has been a slight decrease over the past week. We are graphing our days at school so the children can see how we can achieve the fortnightly goals as well as our term rewards (Skirmish, lunch and movies). Please continue to send your children to school when they are well and able to attend.
Coming up in Term Three
Week Five
Mrs Emerton on sick leave
Monday, 9th August
Art Lessons 11-1pm with Anna
Tuesday, 10th August
Tennis from 1 - 2pm
Wednesday, 11th August
School Photo Day
Friday, 13th August
Gymnastics 2-3pm
Week Six
Mrs Emerton on sick leave
Monday, 16th August
Art Lessons 11-1pm with Anna
Tuesday, 17th August
Tennis from 1 - 2pm
Wednesday, 18th August
Maths Competition
Thursday, 19th August
Hot Choc, Milo and Muffins! SRC event - $3.50
Friday, 20th August
Gymnastics 2-3pm
Zone Athletics for relay team
Week Seven
Book Week
Tuesday, 24th August
Tennis from 1 - 2pm
Wednesday, 25th August
Book Week Parade - Theme: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds
Friday, 27th August
Gymnastics 2-3pm
Week Eight
Tuesday, 31st August
Tennis from 1 - 2pm
Friday, 3rd September
Gymnastics 2-3pm
Week Nine
Bike Week
Tuesday, 7th September
Tennis from 1 - 2pm
Friday, 10th September
Gymnastics 2-3pm
Week Ten
Tuesday, 14th September
Tennis from 1 - 2pm
Wednesday, 15th September
Skirmish at school 12-2pm
Thursday, 16th September
Lunch and Movie Day for excellent attendance
Friday, 17th September
Channon Teams Day (Postponed from earlier in the term)
Last Day of Term three