Meeting Structure

As we align the school to deliver our new School Strategic Plan, we have decided to reduce the number of meetings at this time to ensure that leaders have more time to support staff and students as well as to give teacher’s more time to plan and organise their work for our students. This may change later in the year as our new industrial award has been agreed. Therefore, we are cancelling our distributed School Improvement Team meetings on a Monday after school. The leadership team will now form our School Improvement Team and meet after school at 3:30. This will be divided into smaller strategic working groups focused around our SSP goals of Achievement, Engagement and Wellbeing. Teaching staff are not currently required to attend these Monday meetings.
Our whole school briefing will continue to run via Microsoft Teams from our PLT Leader’s room on a Tuesday at 8:30. PLT Briefings will continue on Thursday at 8:30 with both teaching and ES staff. This is an important time for whole-school and team-level information sharing.
Tuesday nights will continue to be professional learning for all staff. Based upon staff feedback these will be differentiated for groups of staff starting with Teachers (up to 4:30) and ESS (up to 4:00). Time will be allocated for teachers and classroom ESS to work closer together where the time allows.
Time will continue to be allocated on Wednesdays at 3:15 for teams to come together to work on collaborative planning and team-level organisation.
Thursday and Friday will remain as early finishing nights. Friday Fiesta will continue to run for staff who wish to stay.