Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning

We need to think differently about the future.


Years ago, it was quite common to ask a young person what they would like to do when they grow up? Fireman, nurse, farmer, lawyer. But the world of work is rapidly changing. Some experts tell us it is AI that will influence a whole range of industries, while others claim that the soft skills and competencies like creativity, collaboration, communication, citizenship, critical thinking and character will be necessary to lead in the future. However you approach thinking about the future and the future of your son or daughter, we are now forced to acknowledge the influence of the Global Pandemic as well. We need to think differently about the future.


This term I have been working with a team of senior teachers who have interviewed students and parents about their subject choices. This week we will finalise our Year 10-12 subject choices and review second preferences for our Year 8 and 9 Explore program. As you can imagine this exercise is alike a giant puzzle, working with students one to one and prioritising their interests and needs. We are confident that we are providing a strong range of opportunities to our students to ensure they have breadth in the Middle Years and can obtain depth as they move into the Senior Years. 


One of our roles is to help our parents and guardians understand our curriculum and the VCE. Our curriculum handbooks can be found on the College website. But it is also important that parents read widely about selecting subjects. Now more than ever we need to think differently about learning and the future world of work and study. Recently, a series of articles was published in The Conversation. These articles provide a helpful perspective on why to choose mathematics, VET, the creative and performing arts, language, history, English, PE and science. Start with Professor Nan Bahr’s “Choosing your senior school subjects doesn’t have to be scary. Here are 6 things to keep in mind” and then work your way through the other articles of interest. The link to the series can be found here:


For more information about your child’s learning program please contact:


Deputy Principal of Teaching and Learning, Susan Bradbeer

Head of Senior Years, Helen Reiher

Head of VCE Studies, Rebekah Bonnett

Head of Middle Years, Julia Winter Cooke

Head of Careers, Alison Churchill


Susan Bradbeer

Deputy Principal of Teaching and Learning