5/6 B



 Hard Working


This past week in Literacy has seen our focus move from the 'show, not tell' strategy to procedural text. We've used a variety of recipes and scientific experiments to practise our procedural writing. It was great to see many of the Year 5/6s get into the kitchen to make some damper and conduct some different experiments. Below you will find some poems that the class have written about life on the goldfields. This of course was linked to our term 3 Inquiry work. They could choose from either a cinquain or haiku poem to express their thoughts.



This past fortnight we have been focussing on money and financial mathematics. We've been using online catalogues to make purchases, calculated percentage discounts on our items from our favourite stores, budgeted for days at the fictitious Five Wonders theme park, and made informed decisions on conducting fundraising events for the endangered Gumbutang (also fictitious). 


Book Week / Buddy Catch-Up

It was great to celebrate book week as a school this week! Across the week we got to celebrate our favourite books and share the joy of reading. In our Literacy activities we were able to participate in book related activities based on this year's short listed finalists. We had a virtual book parade, watched an incursion from the comfort of our lounge rooms and listened in to some live reads from our favourite teachers.  The photo below shows Molly, Tomo and Evangelos doing a fabulous job with their dress ups when onsite this week!

Book Week Dress Up Day
Book Week Dress Up Day

We also had a Prep, Year 6 and teacher buddy catch up. On different days this week the buddies caught up via Google Meet to play some games and listen to some stories prepared by the Year 6s. It was fantastic to all see each other once again. We can't wait to see each other again in person sometime in the near future.


Silent Movies

As part of our Wellbeing Friday's the children were asked to create their very own Silent Movies. Using the Book Week theme of Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds the children were required to create a silent movie of no more than three minutes. We had so many great entries! There was some amazing acting, stop motion animation, lego, awesome soundtracks and parent / sibling cameos. They were of such a high standard. We're looking forward to sharing them in the near future. 

Next Week...

On the final day of the term both junior and senior schools will be participating in a virtual disco. The senior disco will begin at 12:00pm and go for 30mins. It would great to see everyone joining in from the comfort of their loungerooms! More information will be forwarded early in the week. Can't wait to get our boogie on!



Stay home, stay safe!


Mr Brendan and Miss Judy