3/4 CG 

Another fortnight of remote learning done! We are extremely proud of those who are turning up each day with a positive mindset and submitting their work. Not long now until school holidays! Keep up the hard work 😀


We have been playing a really fun game in maths called 'Greedy Pig'. The students have loved exploring this chance game. 

You might like to try playing it at home. 


You need a 6 sided dice.

Draw up a grid like this.

You roll the dice and keep adding up the numbers that you roll. 

If you roll a 2 then your score goes to 0. 

It is up to you when you decide to stop within the round.

e.g. if there has been a 6 and a 5 rolled, you may wish to stop there with a total of 11. 

Students have to decide how likely it is that a 2 will be rolled each time. 

I have loved watching the students faces when they get wiped out of the round, they become so passionate! 

We've also spent the last week or so looking at money and financial matters. Any opportunity you get to talk to your children about money, including incidental things like when you're at the supermarket or hot bread shop is great, particularly when you need to calculate change.



For Literacy this week, our focus was on celebrating book week. The students were extremely lucky to engage in a wide range of activities.  On Wednesday we had our own little book parade and on Thursday the students watched a live performance!

Grace and Thomas viewing the live performance
Chris enjoying the live performance with his sister.
Liam.C watching the live performance!
Grace and Thomas viewing the live performance
Chris enjoying the live performance with his sister.
Liam.C watching the live performance!


Over the past fortnight we have been focusing on punctuation. Punctuation is so important in our writing. Students have been practising using full stops, capital letters, commas, exclamation marks, question marks and quotation marks. Here are a few examples of students using great punctuation! Keep up the hard work!


Stephna - “Why are you throwing rubbish everywhere?!” shouted Lily, “you are littering, it's bad for the environment!.” 
Henry - “Why did you throw that on the ground?” I said, “because I don't need it!” she replied.


Wellbeing Fridays!


Last Friday, the students were challenged to perform a trick shot of their choice. What is a trick shot you may ask? Well a trick shot is a more creative and difficult shot than a normal one. It was up to the students how challenging they would make their shot. Miss Georgia and Miss Vanessa also played along at home.  We were very impressed with the videos that we received! Thank you for always being so willing to join in on any activity, it really does bring a smile to our faces :)




Have a fabulous weekend!
Mr Cam and Miss Georgia