Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report

Term 3 - Week 9


Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,


As we close in towards the end of Term Three, there is still uncertainty as to what Term Four is going to look like for schools in Metropolitan Melbourne. We eagerly await the Premier’s announcement for the Victorian Government’s ‘Return to School’ plan, which will hopefully be forthcoming at some stage next week. There is a chance that an announcement will not be made until during the school holiday break.  As soon as we are able, we will communicate with the St Francis Xavier community what is happening and the implications for returning to school in Term Four. 


R U OK? Day

Today is R U OK? Day.

This year it is important to check in on our family, friends and colleagues, as a conversation could potentially change a life. We are encouraging everyone in our school community to reach out and connect with the people around you. Try to start a conversation with those in your world who may be struggling at the moment.


Use the following four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:

1. Ask R U OK?

2. Listen

3. Encourage action

4. Check in


Book Week 

Book week at S.F.X this week has been a huge success. Thanks so much to Miss Melissa who coordinated the learning activities for the students and for organising our fantastic virtual performance 'Bigger, Better, Brighter' this morning. 


I popped into as many class meetings as I could on Wednesday morning and was so impressed with the amazing costumes that were on display. Although a 'virtual' book week parade is much different to our usual parade in the Red Centre, I hope everyone still had a lot of fun. 


Can I also thank all the students and their younger brothers and sisters who tuned in to any of the 'live reads' during the week. I know that Miss Melissa, Miss Naomi, Miss Marion, Miss Erin and myself all had a great time choosing some of our favourite picture story books and sharing them with anybody who wanted to join. I did promise the group that I read to that we would make a time next week for another bedtime read. 

So next Wednesday at 7:00pm, use the meet code 'mrsteve' to join me for another story or two - now I need to start the hunt for a few new books!


Father’s Day

To the dads, grandfathers and special men in our community who love and care for their children, I wish you a 'belated'  happy Father's Day for last Sunday. Your special gifts and positive energy are so important in the relationships you have with your children.  I am so sorry that  we were not able to welcome you all to St Francis Xavier last week for our traditional Father’s Day Breakfast. Regardless, I hope you all had a fantastic day last Sunday.  If you haven't had a chance to watch the Father's day video which includes lots of kind messages from our students to their dads, Mr Cameron has now uploaded it to our school website. Here is the link to make it easier to access.


I honestly could not be any prouder of our school community, as it endeavours to respond to the needs of the students and families on a number of different fronts. The students have done an amazing job responding to this extended lockdown and have only got this far because of the support from their family members. It is a privilege to work with staff as they adapt, lead and guide those in their care to push through each challenge. 


We thank God for His continued presence and grace amongst us. We ask Him to continue keeping us safe and  for the ongoing strength to support those around us.


Have a fantastic weekend everyone.


Steve Peart

School Principal