From the Principal...

Mrs Alanna McRae

Remote Learning

Over the last 10 days we have seen our students transition from school classrooms to remote learning with great speed. I thank all the teachers for their work to continue learning as quickly as possible for the students. I also extend my thanks to the parents who are at home working with their children as they access their learning. Please do not hesitate to reach out to teachers if you have any questions or concerns in regards to your child's learning.

Data Analysis

Our staff development day for this term was on PM Benchmarking and Data. In light of this I wanted to share with you the continued excellent results and improvements we are seeing in our reading data from across Kindergarten to Year 3. 


In Kindergarten in Week 5 of Term 2 we had 2% of our students at the end of year target and by the end of the term we had 12% who were at target or above. 


In Year 1, we have 44% of students who are above the end of Year 1 benchmark of 15+ at the end of week 5 and by the end of the term we had 56% at target or above. In great news, 2 of these students were above the Year 2 aspirational benchmark of 27+ in Week 5 and 1 further was by the end of the term. 


In Year 2, 50% of our students had met the end of year Benchmark of 22+ by the end of week 5 and this had increased to 61% by the end of the term. In exciting news, 10 of those students had reached the aspirational Year 2 benchmark of 27+ and a further 4 reached this level by the end of term. Research has shown this means that they have the potential to score in the top band for Naplan reading next year! 


In Year 3, 27% of our students had reached the end of year benchmark in week 5 and by the end of term 43% had were at the target or above. 


 I thank all our staff for their dedication to improving student learning.


Major Excursions

We will be making a decision by Friday on whether the Year 4 Lake Keepit Excursion can go ahead. Prior to the lockdown overnight excursions and camps were not allowed and now with the increased restrictions there is a little chance this excursion will be able to proceed.


We are continuing to plan our other major excursions and will keep you informed as to how restrictions are affecting their go ahead.