From the Principal

You make our HEART soar!

Just thought I'd share this lovely message Logan received from one of our students this week. It certainly brought a big smile on the  faces of our staff. Hope it warms your heart too. It is just what we needed as we approach the end of Term 3. :)  



Dear St. Francis de Sales Teachers, 


You all are tired obviously but you keep going. 

Every student in this school is encouraged by you even if they don't show it 

Every parent looks up to you because you teach their kids every day and don't go insane.

Your families are proud of you because you take care of 400 hundred children every day, EVERY DAY. 

You stand by each other, you help each other, and you care for each other. 

And even though every day is a struggle because there are so many hurdles you get up every day and repeat over and over and over again for five days and when it's Saturday or Sunday you rest, plan, and then you start looking forward to the week ahead of you because you know that you are going to pull through because you're strong. 


From, Christa B


Parent/Teacher Interviews ONLINE!

I hope you found the parent/teacher interviews online provided you with constructive feedback about your child and an opportunity to discuss your questions and your child's learning goals for the final term of 2021.


I thank all our teachers for their preparation for these meetings and for the extra screen time to enable this important communication. The partnership and relationship these encounters develop can make a significant difference to the learning of each child. Well done to the parents who juggled their personal commitments to participate. If you were unable to keep your appointment please just call the school to organise a new time before the end of this term.


1:1 Device Program for Year 3 2022 students.

On Wednesday night we had parents of Year 2 students join in a ZOOM meeting to learn about the school's plans to implement 1:1 devices to senior students. In 2022 all Year 3 and Year 4 students will have the opportunity to participate. By 2024 all seniors will have a personal device. We have 95% of our Year 4's who have committed to the program. Now it is time for the Year 3's for 2022 to complete their Operoo eform. We need to place the order for devices over the holidays to avoid delays. Thus replies are required by Monday 13 September. Please contact the school if you have any questions.


Baby News!

"We would like to introduce Alistair Douglas Cook"

Born on Monday 6th September at 1.53am and weighing 4.165 kg.

Mum and Baby are now home enjoying spending time as a family.

Congratulations to Imogene ( LS2 Junior teacher) and Arron and big sister Anastasia. 

We cannot wait to see this adorable bundle of joy at SFS in Term 4.

Cover Me in Sunshine 

Senior Masterclass Performances to Enjoy.




Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS), formerly known as CEMSIS, are conducted annually for schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. 


Due to the significant interruptions posed to schools by the current COVID lockdown, and after careful consideration of several factors including extensive feedback from school communities, MACSSIS has been postponed to the period from Thursday 7 October to Thursday 28 October 2021.

Multipurpose Hall Update

It is now just 4 weeks before we go to tender!!!

We are waiting for the return of our council permit which is expected very soon. Then the plans get presented for final approval to the Planning, Building and Finance Committee (PBFC) who give us the GREEN light to commence the tender process and start construction!!


Behind the scenes we have been finalising the interior designs and colour scheme. We are currently considering the AV requirements for the new building. If sound and light systems is your expertise we would love to hear your ideas. What have you seen that we should consider and that would fit our budget. Somethings we can add later so this is the time to dream and see if we can make it real. Here is our current AV plan for your feedback.



Have a great weekend and keep safe.


Christine White
