Nominated Supervisor Update

Enrolments 2022


Enrolments for 2022 with group allocations have been received from City of Monash and all children have been updated into Xap. A Welcome email was sent last week and an invoice for the Kindergarten Registration fee will be issued today via email.  This must be paid to secure a place unless you are eligible for Kinder Fee Subsidy such as by holding a Health Care or Pensioner Card or being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background or known to Child Protection. With 3yo funded for 5 hours next year KFS will also apply so no registration fee is required. 




With 2022 enrolments being issued a number of changes to the enrolment form have be made. These include allowing documentation to be uploaded directly into Xap such as the Local Excursion Permission form, Fee Agreement, and Birth Certificates.  These uploads are mandatory requirements for families to complete their child's enrolment. There has also been updates to the Declaration and Fee sections. 


For current families not returning in 2022 these changes do not affect you and no action needs to be taken. Unless you have not yet uploaded your child's birth certificate. This should now be done through the Child Details section under Proof of Identity. Furthermore please ensure that your child's Medicare Immunisation History Statement is up to date with all their current vaccinations. 


Participation of Volunteers & Students


With the introduction of the Worker Screening Act 2020 (Vic) and Worker Screening Regulation 2021 (Vic) this policy was updated to reflect the new requirements of a Working With Children (WWC) Clearance.


Therefore all Parents/Guardians must now undergo a WWC Check and obtain a WWC clearance prior to volunteering at the service including at offsite excursions.