Extended Care

Hi Extended Care Program families,


It is already halfway through the year! 

We have been witnessing children in Extended Care Program learning various communication skills during the first half of this year.

The environment of Extended Care Program can be challenging for some children to maintain their communication skill after a long day and a range of different developmental milestones with mixed aged children.


Some have been gaining the skill to effectively communicate verbally to their friends when they are feeling frustrated.

Some have started to think about the effects of different kinds of communication when things didn’t work in the way they were thinking. 

Why am I feeling in this way? What made her upset? What should I do now - These are the questions that are starting to be posed in the children’s mind. The role of the educator here is to support,  to prompt thinking, to promote an understanding of different perspectives and to give guidance where needed.


Through interaction and play with their friends, a child will develop social skills and interpersonal skills alongside their communication skills. These skills will make them feel greater comfort in social situations, where they will find it easier to strike up conversations with new friends and communicate their emotions.