School Uniform

Getting our kids in school uniform

Our school uniform helps define who we are as a community and, whether we like it or not, people outside our community form perceptions of the quality of our school and education based on how our students wear the uniform.  We have undertaken extensive consultation with parents and students about the uniform and as a result have made some changes in the last 18 months to make it more comfortable and practical for students. These changes include the new rugby jumper, the 'Face Off' style pants girls prefer to wear and a new warmer outer shell jacket.  Unlike some other schools, our students have a range of options within the uniform.............and yet still we have resistance.


As a result, and in response from frustration vented by parents, we are changing the processes around how we monitor and respond to students out of uniform.  These new processes will begin on Monday October 28th.


Each morning during Home Group all students who are out of uniform without a pass will be sent to the Assistant Principal's offices. There they will be met by the Uniform Duty staff member.  Students who are out of uniform will be issued with a uniform pass and a uniform detention for lunchtime that day.  Students will be required to show their pass in the period 1 class.  Any student who is late and does not have one will be sent to the Assistant Principals office to get a pass and a detention.  Students who have additional non school items of clothing such as hoodies will be required to leave them at the Assistant Principals office and collect them at the end of the day.


Students will still receive demerit points and once they have reached 10 demerit points will receive a 45 minute after-school detention.  At this point we will also be talking to parents to see what we can do together to get the student in uniform.



  • Students who are wearing alternative footwear because they are on crutches or in a moon boot will not be required to have a uniform pass.
  • Students who have a note from a parent stating a temporary reason (1-2 days) for a missing item usually around something suddenly been in disrepair will receive a uniform pass and demerit points but no uniform detention.


The wearing of school uniform can be an ongoing battle with some teenagers as they try to test boundaries and express their individuality.  As parents and teachers we need to work on this together and hold a consistent line.  If your children are telling you we don't mind, or they are telling you that (insert here whatever is the fashion item of the moment) is okay, they are not telling you the truth.  For clarity around the uniform expectations please check the next page.


Uniform Shop

This process will start next Monday October 28th. This gives your child time to hunt out those pieces of uniform they have not been wearing and be ready.  Our uniform shop is fully stocked should you need to purchase new items.


A note on shoes

As part of our ongoing consultation with students around school uniform we extended our shoe requirements from strictly school shoes to a plain black, leather (or pleather), lace up shoe with a sports sole.


Black and white sports shoes are not appropriate for everyday wear nor are canvas or soft fabric shoes. Canvas and soft fabric shoes do not meet OH&S requirements in workshops, kitchens and labs.


Thank you for your support on this.