
What's happening in Math's around the school


Four Cube House Project in Year Four


Harrison, 4R: At the start, we had to create some different shapes with only 4 3D cubes. There were 15 different possibilities to make. After that, we had to draw the shapes onto isometric paper. We then cut them out and pasted onto 3D paper to create our own town.


Amelia, 4R: We started with all these different shapes out of 4 blocks, we then had to draw them onto some dotted paper. After that, we had to price our houses. All the levels were at different prices. After that, we started designing a town. We went through the steps and stages you would go through to create a real town. We included a retirement home, hospital, a school and playschool, an apartment block and a mall.



Grace P, 4H – I enjoyed making it and the creativity behind it. It was really fun!

Ziggy, 4H - I think it was really fun. It was challenging to draw the 3D shapes on the isometric paper.

Saskia, 4H - It was really fun to show our creative side. The ideas were really imaginative and realistic when we created the town.

Mia, 4H - It was frustrating to start with, the blocks kept falling when trying to make the 4 block house but it was still fun.