Years F-1



Newland's Mosh Pit

Our buddies get together for a Spanish Singalong

Specialist Timetable

Foundation Grade 1 students participate in our specialised learning programs on Tuesdays. The specialist teaching team prepare engaging learning focusing on the ares of Visual Arts, Music, Performing Art and Physical Education. To ensure the program runs smoothly students are grouped according to school houses. If you have questions about our Tuesday program, please speak directly to your child’s homeroom teacher or one of our specialist teachers.

The Learning

Students in Foundation Grade 1 are beginning to use our Newlands learning language. It is particularly exciting to see prep students identify The Learning and The Success within a lesson. Our Grade 1s are leading the way demonstrated by their knowledge of The Builders program. Our targeted teaching has also ensured students are being challenged by engaging Workshops developed by our amazing F1 teachers.  

Writing Assessments

Our students have already participated in our first writing assessment of the year. This is a time where we inspire our students to demonstrate their knowledge. We encourage drawing and writing to convey a message. Creating a safe environment where students can showcase their abilities. This process allows teachers to consider the learning that lays ahead. We look forward to sharing their growth through the Seesaw app.

Eating Times

Eating times for Prep / 1's are as follows:

10.50 am  (10 mins)

12.45 pm (15 mins)

1.50 pm (10 mins)


These are dedicated eating times that are monitored by the teacher to encourage students to be responsible for finishing their food. Please speak with your homeroom teacher if your child is not eating enough. Our team is working hard to ensure young bellies are full for their learning.

Home Readers

Please note our take home reading program will begin in Week 5. This year students will have access to additional reading material in Spanish and English, as well as online reading programs. More information will be available in Week 5. Thanks to Brydie and Beth who printed, covered and stapled!