Leadership Report

School Council - 2020

We have recieved three nominations to fill the three parent vacancies for the 2020 school council year. This means that there is no need to hold an election for the these positions. The successful nominees are: Helen Barrett, Scott Glover and Wendy Brown. 


I would like to thank our retiring parent representatives: Adam Palmer, Deidre Newman and Annika Priest. On behalf of the school community I would like to thank Adam, Deidre and Annika for giving their time and support to the school as council representatives. There input to the governance process of the school has been enormous. I would also like to extend my appreciation to Adam. He has been a member of school council for many years both as a member and school council president. Adam has been a great supporter of the school and has carried out his role as president with balance and common sense, thank you Adam.

School Camp

The 3-6 Area are going on camp next week. I would firstly like to thank all the teachers for giving their own time for this activity - it is not in their contract or job description and on behalf the school I would like to acknowledge our great teachers. Without them volunteering their time there would be no camp. We as a school feel very strongly that these types of activities are important as we believe they are very valuable in developing resilience, belief in themselves as an individual, and care of self, and others. These are the main reasons we increased the length of the camp for the Years 5/6 and have the camp at the start of the year.

We fully appreciate that for some children this will possibly be their first extended time away from home. The teachers will support your child and make the experience a very enjoyable time. 

Curriculum Day - Friday 6th , March

Teaching staff will be off-site all day involved in our ongoing professional learning around supporting the social and emotional development of primary school students.

Feast for Freedom

Last night I attended a fundraising dinner in Footscray to support Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) to raise much needed funds to support families and individuals who are in this country seeking asylum. I would strongly urge our school community to go to their site asrc.com.au and see how you and your friends could possibly support this valuable work.