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School Handbook

Celebrating Catholic Schools' Week at St Joseph's

Catholic Schools Week (CSW) will be held from 1 -7 March. Our theme this year is ‘Embracing our future together’.


CSW is about celebrating the diversity and uniqueness of Catholic education and is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of our school community. 


Thursday 5 March:

12:00 pm Parish Mass followed by parishioners visit to the school.


Friday 6 March:

Open Classroom 2:00 pm

All parents, carers and families welcome.


A message from Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong for Catholic Schools Week 2020

Dear students, families and school communities,


Thank you for your school's participation in Catholic Schools Week from 1-7 March. It's a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and showcase many of the fantastic things happening in your school every day, and in all our Catholic schools across the Diocese of Wollongong. 


We thank you for working together in partnership with us to help make your school community such a vibrant, nurturing place of learning, faith, belonging and hope.


If you or a family member or friend would like to enrol your child in one of our schools, please download an enrolment package here.


Have a look at our Catholic Schools Week video below, celebrating what our students across the diocese love about their Catholic school. Can you spot the students from your school?


What Makes St Joseph's A Great Catholic School by Year 5


At first I went to another school which was closer by a minute or two. At the other school I got bullied. But at St Joseph’s nothing has ever happened. Ok fine something has happened… FRIENDS! 

I can name so many friends but, I won’t tell you their names because that is personal information.

By Crosby C


What makes SJB a great school are the leaders, the leaders are really good because they show acts of kindness around the school. Also, our school helpers get all sorts of events happening and help with the school canteen. These parents give up their time to help make our school fun and help us have the most amazing days. At St Joseph's, the students are great because they help kids who have no friends or are new to the school. The teachers at St Joseph's are the ones who come to school every single day to teach us and help us have a good education. They even give up their weekends to mark our books!

By Georgia R


Is it the teachers that stand proud and tall

Or is it their deep understanding in our Catholic faith

When you enter the gates you know you are safe

Is that what makes St Joeys a great Catholic school?


Is it the fact that nobody in their uniform is cruel

Or is it the fact they have great opportunities

A convenient place in a caring community

Is that what makes St Joeys a great Catholic school?

By Ruben D


SJB is a great catholic school because we learn a lot about Jesus and to include others.We also learn how Jesus died for us and how he rose from the dead.

By Lillian G


What makes SJB a great Catholic school is the canteen, sport, teachers and my favourite subjects like Science. Science is fun because is fun you can test and experiment. I like when the teacher pushes you to do your best learning. It can be hard but when you get the hang of it, the learning gets easier. Of course I like lunch and recess because I can play with my friends.

By Patrick J


To me everything St Joseph's does makes it a great school. But there are things that make it stand out to me. St Joseph's does lots of things that helps us to know God like Mini Vinnies and Green Thumbs. St Joseph's also brings quality education to all of us that helps us learn. St Joseph's gives us extracurricular activities. St Joseph is a great Catholic School!  Nathan


Some things that make Saint Joseph’s Catholic school great is the quality education , the church and the relationships you make with friends. One of my favourite things is when you get to learn more about Jesus and how he loves everyone one no matter what . We have a very nice teacher’s and we have a lot of success in lots of things.  Isla

Year 4 Catholic Schools Week

In Yr 4M we know how lucky we are to not only belong to a Catholic School but to belong to such a wonderfully caring, supportive Catholic School like St Joseph’s.


We begin our day by saying our class prayer together:



Dear God,

Help us to make new friends and continue to grow our friendships each day. 

Help us with our learning by encouraging us to listen, focus, concentrate and ask for help when we need it.

Please bless us for a wonderful school year together. 



This reminds us that God our Creator is always walking beside us and is there to support us when we need it. We try to find wonder and awe in God’s amazing creation each day and work hard to care for our beautiful school and gardens.


Are pets allows on the School grounds?

Bringing pets to school for news/show and tell is not permitted. Having pets at school poses safety and health risks for students and teachers, who have allergies which can be triggered by certain animals.  Please refrain from entering the school grounds with animals.

Kindergarten Parent 2020 Welcome Night

Kindergarten parents are invited to a special night Thursday 19 March 2020 from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Please join us for this opportunity to socialise and connect with other Kindergarten parents, our P&F parents and school staff.  (Parents only, no children)


Term 1 - Week 8

Principal Awards

Monday  16 March 2020

The following students will receive their Principal Awards on Monday 16 March at 2pm in the hall.

Zaine B: Yr 2 - 2nd

Maya J: Yr2 - 2nd

Jeng C:  Yr4 - 3rd

Macey S: Yr 5 - 3rd

Curtis T: Yr1 - 1st

Acknowledgment to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past and present, the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.