School News
Year 10 Work Experience
The Careers Department is keen to hear from any alumnae who would be able to offer work experience to a Year 10 student .
The dates are Monday 12 - Friday 16 August
Please contact Cathy Greenaway if you can assist or would like further details.
Please include:
- Type of Industry
- Name of workplace
- Phone/email contact details
2019 Arts Festival - Thursday 4 April
Limited tickets are still available for this year's Arts Festival. Come along and support your former House.
Time: 7.30pm
Date : Thursday 4 April 2019
Venue: Robert Blackwood Hall
49 Scenic Boulevard, Monash University, Clayton
2019 Focus Goal:
A personal and active faith in God
In our living “a personal and active faith in God”,
we are called to be open to searching for and experiencing
God’s unconditional love for each of us.
Here is the Focus Goal Prayer for 2019:
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
you who are always present to us,
we ask for the courage to open our hearts to you.
May we be filled with you,
with your life and love
so that we may in turn reveal you –
your life, your love, your peace, your kindness, your compassion and your wisdom –
in all that we do.
We ask this grace for the Sacred Heart family across the world
now and forever.