Community Choir

Sacré Cœur Community Choir

Sacré Cœur is extremely proud of its Community Choir, which is now into its eighth year. Made up of a group of people who simply love singing and being part of an ensemble, the choir performs a broad range of music from Musical Theatre to Opera; Popular to Classical; and everything in between.


The benefits of choral singing to both our physical and mental well-being are well documented through rigorous academic research. However, it is probably the members themselves who are our most powerful advocates.

We welcome new members, and anyone from the school or local community is able to join. There are no auditions, and you definitely do not need to be able to read music: the only essential requirement is that you want to have fun, and sing with a friendly and inclusive group of similarly passionate people.

The Community Choir performs at various concerts and celebrations during the year and is looking to expand its brief by performing in larger community events. Rehearsals are approximately every 3 weeks from 7.30 to 9.30pm at Sacré Cœur and there is a $100 fee for the year.


If you are interested in joining, just come along or contact Linda Greet on 9835 2746, for further information.


Conductor - Rebecca Long

Accompanist - Alison Conrau

What our members have to say ...

“I have been in the Community Choir since it started and it was a fabulous decision. I had no previous experience of singing, but that did not matter at all. I am “always busy” (who isn’t these days?) but while other midweek night time commitments are draining and hard to keep up, I have always found I feel more relaxed and refreshed after a choir rehearsal - and I drive home enjoying the good endorphins.”


“Joining the choir gave me a sense of belonging and purpose during a very hard time in my life. It is fun, friendly and very uplifting. I have had people approach me to say they saw me perform and that makes it even more special.”


“I enjoy community choir because:

I feel good after a night’s rehearsal,

I enjoy meeting up with the other people,

I feel a sense of relaxation after it.”


“I would come to choir everyday if possible, it’s what I most look forward to. It’s like therapy

for me”.