Learning & Teaching


Big Write is one, of many, writing sessions in the week. The aim of a Big Write is for students to be able to start and finish a piece of writing, within a given time frame showcasing the skills they have learnt about during the previous fortnight. It has a special atmosphere to promote calm and creative writers and encourages students to reflect on their learning and how they can improve.


The night prior to Big Write we ask that you work with your child & have a Big Talk session at home. Your child’s Learning Group teacher will post a stimulus for Big Write on Dojo to talk about. Please read the following:


To My Family

I need to talk about my ideas and opinions with as many family members as possible.  A great time to do this is while we are all sitting at the table for dinner. Could we please not have the TV on so that I can concentrate.


I would love to hear your opinions and ideas as well as tell you mine.  Please remember to use the word ‘because’ to explain why you think that and remind me to do the same. That way when I do my Big Write I will have so many ideas to make my writing exciting.


Can you give me some :

Vocabulary: exciting, interesting words to use

Connectives: words that I can use to join my ideas together 

Openers: amazing ways to start my sentences

Punctuation: suggest when I could use commas, exclamation marks etc.


Thanks, I know that with your help I will be an amazing writer.



Your child.

Playgroup 2020

Yes we are starting Playgroup again in 2020.


Please join Elizabeth and Mariella on Thursday afternoon from 2.00- 3.00pm in the back Portable. 

We would love to see some of our old faces and we welcome new families to our group.

We are starting next Thursday 27th February.

Please sign in at the front office and Elizabeth will be there to greet you. 


It has been wonderful to see some of the new Preps in 2020 who were in our Playgroup last year, give us a friendly wave or stop for a chat while we are on Yard Duty during the week.

They have settled into OLSC so comfortably.  They are very familiar with their surroundings. 


We offer the children the opportunity to develop fine motor skills - painting, pasting, play dough, cutting. 

 Story Time is a favourite of the families with music, movement, finger puppets and animation.

We are constantly building the children's oral language skills through conversations, sharing and friendships. 

Please join us Mariella and Elizabeth.