Religion News

                 We are Christ’s Body



St Paul reminds us that we are the Body of Christ, each of us adding our gifts and abilities to strengthening and building up Christ’s body in today’s world. Let us reflect for a moment on how we can together be his body, his hands, feet and eyes, transforming the world in which we live.


Ours are the feet with which Christ walks about doing good. C.f. Matthew 25:35–36

Bishop Mark visits OLSC


Last Friday Bishop Mark Edwards joined our confirmation candidates to prepare them for next Friday. He spoke of the role of service and challenged each student- "once you are confirmed, who will you serve?"

As part of the day, he was presented with a new chasuble - the outer priestly garment worn when celebrating a mass. The red chasuble was not store bought, but designed by our wonderful Year 5/6 students under the guidance of the world's best art teacher Kylie Kennedy-Cupples. Kylie has spent the last 7 months coordinating the design, construction and presentation to Bishop Mark. He told the children that it was the first time that anyone had ever done such a project for him and he was truly moved when it was presented to him. It will be worn for the first time at the confirmation next Friday.

Winter Appeal

Thank you to all families who have contributed to our Appeal. We thank you for your support in assisting our most needy members of the community. We have sent our school's donations to St. Vincent De Paul to be distributed to those in need. A big well done to the Social Justice Leaders who have diligently gone about collecting the items every day from each Learning Centre.

Sacrament of the Confirmation

Please keep in your prayers our Year Six students who have begun preparing for the receiving of the Sacrament of Confirmation next Friday, 30th August. Mass will be celebrated at OLSC in our Sports Centre and all families are welcome to attend. It will commence at 6.30pm for those wishing to attend.