Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers

On behalf of all the staff at St Joseph's, I wish every St Joseph's family a very happy Christmas.


As we move into the Christmas season of joy, we remember the birth of Jesus over 2000 years ago and celebrate his rebirth in our very own souls and hearts each year.  May Jesus, the Word made flesh, continue to live enfleshed within our own bodies, fully alive in our words and in our deeds. 


In this very last newsletter for the year, Sienna D give us a uniques artwork and reflection on the birth of Jesus.


The Birth of Jesus and The Three Magi


Sienna D

Year Six

My artwork is inspired by the Birth of Jesus, Matthew 1:18 and the three Magi who followed the star. I created the star because it really connects to the birth of Jesus and it is an important symbol in the Christmas Story.


I used scratch foam to create a print. One of my artworks was about the star and the other artwork is about the birth of Jesus and how everything was about him. There is a little baby in the middle and light reaching into him represented by the dots and wavy pathways.


My artwork is meaningful because the birth of Jesus is so special, when we are born everyone cares about us and loves us just like Mary and Joseph cared and loved Jesus.  


I chose to include a black and white image and a coloured one to represent the times before Jesus was born and after when he brought colour and new hope into our lives.


I hope that people are thankful for Jesus for bringing new hope and colour into our world.


For all things at St Joseph’s, give thanks!

Jen Charadia
