School Counsellor 

Emily Bieber - at Kalinda on Tuesdays  and Thursdays in Term 3.

We’re finding our way – each of us is going at different paces. Despite anxieties, it’s been a time of joy for many of us at Kalinda Primary School. I know that staff are happy to be around their students, and I am blown away by the patience demonstrated by the children and you – the parents.


Below is the TEAR model of grief….we think about grief and loss when someone passes away….but I reckon pandemic, and reflecting on living through a pandemic, is similar to grief. It’s a loss of safety and what we have known to be “so”.



T: to accept the reality of the event, pandemic, changes

E: experience the pain of the loss, feel the feels! You don’t have to be brave every day.

A: adjust to life with new rules (easier said than done)

R: reinvest in the new reality (new traditions, different holidays, improved routines?)


Sowing seeds

As you are walking around your garden or local park, can you please collect some seeds for me?


They might be poppy, calendula, forget-me-not, love in a mist, cosmos, sweet pea, marigold, nasturtium, coriander, parsley – anything that you think our young students will love to grow, and watch them come up in our gardens each year. We have lots of garden beds at Kalinda that need a bit of extra colour. You can bring the seeds in an envelope  - and pop them in the mailbox, addressed to me (Yes, we do have a mailbox….it’s a rather inconspicuous dark green one in the school driveway!)


I’m looking forward to seeing what arrives!

Emily Bieber, School Counsellor



Best wishes – Em.

Drop me a line or give me a call if you would like any information.

Emily Bieber: or 9876 3289