Welcome to Term 4
Level 4
Welcome to Term 4
Level 4
We would like to welcome all the new families who have recently joined and welcome back all our familiar faces. Term Three was full of rich learning opportunities that demonstrated the students’ fabulous growth mindsets and resilience. Term Four is underway and as always it is a delight to see the learners adapting, collaborating, encouraging and supporting their peers online so seamlessly throughout these experiences. We are so incredibly proud of all the children in the Level Four cohort and so appreciative of the support our amazing families have provided.
Important Dates for Term 4:
In Term 4, Level Four is inquiring into the question ‘How do we use design in physical science?’ Throughout this unit, learners will explore physical science around us and how it impacts our lives. Learners will investigate these concepts through hands on experiments. Through their explorations and investigations, learners will come away with an understanding that:
Additionally, a key element of our inquiry will involve transferring our understanding and making connections to Global Goal 1 ‘No Poverty: End Poverty in all its forms everywhere’ and how our actions and decisions can impact our community. Learners will investigate a variety of designs, design processes and materials, comparing which materials and designs are more ethical, sustainable and affordable. This will guide them in creating their own designs that address a poverty issue.
You can support this learning at home by:
This Term in Reading, we are learning about procedural and persuasive texts. The learners will be analysing procedural and persuasive texts focusing on the structure, techniques, language features and vocabulary. They will use the mentor texts used during reading sessions as a guide and end goal for what they should be striving towards within their own writing. The learners will be exposed to a variety of text types (videos, texts, oral, etc.) and will be increasing their vocabulary as well as developing their comprehension skills by answering a variety of questions including literal and inferential questions. They will have ample opportunities to implement their CAFE goals during reading tasks as well as when reading their Good Fit Books.
This Term in Writing, we will focus on creating procedural and persuasive texts through transferring skills and learning from Reading. In procedural writing, learners will be applying precise verbs in order to assist others in following their instructions to carry out a task accurately. When writing persuasive texts, the learners will be ensuring their language convinces the reader and their audience to believe their idea or opinion. Learners will continue with sustained writing this Term as they are provided with the opportunity to write about a topic of their choice and in a style they desire.
In Spelling, learners will continue to expand their vocabulary by identifying personal words. These are derived either from spelling misconceptions in their writing or from challenging words that they come across during Independent Reading. Each week, these words are explored deeply by conducting a spelling inquiry, for example by looking at the root/base word, spelling patterns or even the etymology of the word. Learners will transfer their spelling words into opportunities in speaking and writing each week. There will also be a weekly spelling focus which will range from homophones to split diagraphs to letter blends. At home, you can ask your child what they have learnt about their spelling words from their spelling inquiry and weekly focus.
Throughout Term Four, learners will continue to deepen their understanding of Mathematical concepts by applying their personalised SURF goals through independent tasks and reflections. The topics we are covering this term are:
You can support this learning at home in the following ways:
This term, our focus is on learners developing their own social and emotional awareness, as well as building strategies to reconnect with each other and the GWPS community. Through our YCDI Keys to Success (Confidence, Persistence, Organisation, Getting Along and Resilience) and our School values (Integrity, Respect, Initiative and Global Empathy) learners will develop strategies to successfully recreate positive connections with each other as well as transition back to onsite learning. Learners will be given a variety of opportunities where they can continue to build these skills which they can then transfer to multiple situations. We will continue to work with Dr. Gihan to support learners in building an understanding of their own health and wellbeing and strategies on how to manage it.