Pastoral Care 

  • RUOK? Day
  • 'RUOK? Day is Every Day' Initiative
  • Dr Justin Coulson 'Managing Childhood Anxiety' Seminar


Positive feedback continues for the informed, empathetic and thoughtful manner in which our Student Wellbeing Leaders conducted our RUOK? and Jersey Day Assembly last Friday. Their interview with Gus Worland highlighted some timely messages for our students and community. In congratulating Wellbeing Prefects Jacob Glass, Austin Cleary, Ben Giles and Matt Brannan and College Captain Liam Chang and Vice Captains Alec Ramsbottom and Nick Ward we also recognise the Student Empowerment Team facilitators who have supported this group of students over the past eight years including Ms Veronica Bamber, Ms Sophie Casamento, Ms Janelle Dempsey Mr Fernando Mendez and our Counselling team: Ms Joe McCarthy, Ms Judy Gill and Mr Rick Russo.


The link to the RUOK? Day Assembly is:


There are also a large group of students who, while not Prefects, are student advocates for the Wellbeing Team across the school, supporting initiatives such as Boxercise, Peer Mentoring, Peer Support, Robotics and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, which support the wellbeing of our community through cocurricula pursuits, giving meaning, purpose and flow to so many. Some names which spring immediately to mind are Callum Fitzgibbon in Year 12 who leads and supports a plethora of wellbeing initiatives, and Rufus Ashford in Year 11 who champions our Thursday and Friday morning Boxercise program.  

'RUOK? Day is Every Day' Initiative 

In support of RUOK? Day our Year 11 Student Wellbeing Leaders-elect introduced themselves at our Jersey Day for Organ Donation last Friday. James Shahinian, Alex Hawkins and Franklin Clayton also interviewed budding para-athlete Alex Noble for his inspirational message in extending RUOK? Day into everyday habits. The Student Wellbeing Leaders are using this video in Form meeting assemblies to promote the initiative that every day should be RUOK? Day.

The link to Alex’s interview and message is:

Dr Justin Coulson Managing Childhood Anxiety Seminar

Thank you to the large number of SPX families who were represented at this Happy Families Seminar last Wednesday evening which was presented by Dr Justin Coulson who has previously spoken at the College.


Any feedback regarding the seminar and its utility is most welcome:


The link to the presentation which is still available this week is:

Wellbeing Activities

Don’t forget to join our Boxercise Team online this Thursday and take up the Monday Mindfulness sessions with Mr Russo in Term 4. Email Mr Russo at or Mr Brannan at to join these wellbeing activities.


We wish all our families a positive time over the Spring break, enjoying some respite from online learning in the good company of your families. Don’t forget to maintain your fulfilling patterns of exercise, rest, recovery and nutrition as we look forward to supporting each other as we transition back to school in Term 4.


Fide et Labore


Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care and Wellbeing