School News

PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning)

Whole School Expectation- Weekly Focus for Students


Be Respectful - Use kind words and actions! What we do and say matters!




Rain on Friday

The current weather conditions have closed many roads and for some students travel to school may be unsafe. Please only bring your child to school tomorrow if it is safe to do so. 


Many parents collected students early today and parents are welcome to do the same tomorrow.

Lego Call Out

We would like to set up some passive play opportunities for students in Term 2.


In order to do this, we are sourcing materials that could be used. If you have any lego sets or board games that are not being used at home anymore we would love to take them off your hands. 



The PB4L Team

Kindergarten 2023 Enrolment now open

Complete an enrolment form for children who will start school in 2023.
Promote enrolment to new families you may be aware of.
'Like' the enrolment information on our Facebook page


The enrolment form is available from the school office, the school website or  

Download: Catholic School Enrolment Package


Feel free to contact the school office should you have any questions.

School Photo Day - Wednesday 18 May

Our school photo day will be held on Wednesday 18 May.  All orders are to be made online for both individuals and siblings.


See the attached flyer on how to book.  For your convenience click on the button below to order.



Orders close Tuesday 17 May 


Change to the recording of student absences in Compass

The NSW Education Act (1990) and Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) require Parents/Carers to ensure that children of compulsory school age attend school on each day that the school is open for instruction. If children are absent from school, Parents/Carers are required to provide the school with an acceptable explanation, within seven days of the absence. 


During the school holidays, the settings in Compass will be adjusted to reflect the requirements of the Education Act (1990). 


After seven days, absences will automatically be recorded as Absent – unexplained/unjustified if the school is not provided with an acceptable explanation from parents/carers. 


Parents wishing to provide the school with an acceptable explanation after the seven-day period will need to contact the school and the school will adjust the attendance register. Parents will no longer be able to enter the absence through the parental portal in Compass after the seven-day period.


The school will continue to support Parents/Carers and frequently send home letters giving Parents/Carers the opportunity to provide the school with an explanation for absences.


Please do not hesitate to contact the school should you require further information regarding the change.

Happy Birthday

Wishing all our students who celebrated their special day over the week and the school holidays.


8 April - Hunter T Yr1

9 April - Lynkoln Q Yr1

10 April - Celie S Yr4 & Sophie P Yr4

12 April - Poppy S Yr3

14 April - Oliver K Yr1

15 April - Grace M Yr2 & Rachel C Yr5

18 April - Christian C Yr6

19 April -  Claire R Yr5

21 April - Zara M Yr1

22 April - Portia C Yr1

23 April - Juhan R Yr5

24 April - Amelie M Yr4 & Milla K Yr4

25 April - May F Yr1

26 April - Phoebe R Yr3

27 April - Eli R Yr3

28 April - Raine W Yr2 & Kate H Yr5