Our Catholic Identity

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the children in Year 4 who made their First Holy Communion last Sunday 3 April with Fr Anthony. A special time for them and their families as they receive the Eucharist for the first time and are nourished in their Faith. Thank you to all the staff who supported the students at these masses.


Our thoughts and prayers are with all the other Year 4 students as they prepare to make the Sacrament in the coming weeks. God Bless!


LENT - Holy Week School Prayer

The first week of the school holidays is Holy Week


As a school community, we have begun each day this week in prayer focusing on the events of Holy Week, the most important week of the Church’s year. This is the week when we remember the last days of Jesus’ life on earth, a time of both joy, great suffering and sorrow. Thank you to the parents who have joined the staff and students at this time. 


During Lent, we have tried to follow Jesus’ way.  It is the way of love and the way of forgiveness.  As a school community, we have gathered to follow in Jesus’ footsteps as we remember the events of Holy Week and prepare ourselves for Easter. 


On Monday Stage 1 students focused on Palm Sunday, when Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem like a King.


Tuesday Morning Stage 2 focused on the events of Holy Thursday when Jesus shared a meal and washed the apostles' feet, as a great act of love and service.



Today, Year 5 reminded us of Jesus praying in the garden, his arrest and his sentence


On Friday Year 6 will focus on Good Friday ‘Stations of the Cross’. Sessions for each grade will be held throughout the day in the school hall. A parent session will be held from 9:00-9:30am. All parents and carers are very welcome at this session.

Fifth Week of Lent

(Week beginning Monday 4 April)


This week through Project Compassion we learn about Shaniella who is attending a vocational school in the Solomon Islands supported by Caritas Australia Solomon Islands (CASI).


Not long after Shaniella started, the school was hit by a landslide, flooding, and a cyclone, all in quick succession.


With your kind support, CASI helped install water tanks, restoring clean water access to nearby schools, health centres and the wider community. Training was held in agricultural skills to help boost the school community’s food security, as well as in environmental risk management and emergency responses.


Now, Shaniella can complete her skills training, with enough water and food to eat, and improved sanitation. She is improving her ability to earn an income, learning skills which will expand her job opportunities. Students are also better prepared to respond when disaster strikes.


2022 Sacramental Dates



2022 St Joseph's Bulli Sacramental dates for Confirmation are:

  • Term 2 Week 7 - Wednesday 8 June & Thursday 9 June. 

Enrolment forms have been sent home today and Fr Patrick has asked all forms to be returned to him during Sunday Mass.  


Please click on the link below to select your preferred date.  Please advise the school office if your child will not 



Year 3 First Reconciliation will take place on Thursday 23 June 9:30am.



First Holy Communion - Year 4 Candidates (2021 Year 3)

A reminder to please book via the link shared in compass. Fr Patrick has reminded all candidates to attend weekend masses to prepare for the Sacrament.


Should you have any queries regarding First Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office on Office Hours: Tues - Fri 9:30am - 3pm


Sunday 15 May 8:30am & 5:30pm Mass


Year 3 First Holy Communion 

Dates are still being finalised with Fr Patrick and will be communicated in the school newsletter early Term 2 and enrolment forms sent home.  



Mrs Christine Smith

Religious Education Coordinator