From the Assistant Principals

Bicycle travel

It is great to see so many students travelling to school by bike.  Students are asked to keep themselves and others safe by ensuring that they:

  • Always wear a helmet when riding a bike or scooter.
  • Use the bike racks provided.  If the racks in the quadrangle are full, students need to use the racks adjacent to the gymnasium.  Locking bikes to fences or gates is a hazard.  
  • Walk their bikes when inside the school grounds.

We have had some concerns raised by the public as to the behaviour on bikes of a small number of students riding on the bike path from the Hughesdale area.  All students are asked to act responsibly and respect the other users of the paths.

Mobile phones

Please be reminded that students may bring a mobile phone to school.  However, while at school (either in the buildings or outside on the grounds) at any time prior to the end of the school day phones must be switched off and locked securely in a locker. After the end of the school day (after 3.07pm), students may access their phones as long as they are not in the school building.


Be on time – learning begins at 9!


Daily attendance is important for all young people to succeed in education and to ensure they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. Minimum 95% attendance is expected from all students in all year levels. School participation maximises life opportunities for young people by providing them with education and support networks. School helps people to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community.


Parents are required to contact the school absence line on 9571 4178 on any day a student is late or absent. Alternatively, write a note or email the school at the following address: 

School Uniform

I ask for parent/guardian assistance in ensuring that all of our students are wearing the correct uniform at all times. A uniform dress code reinforces pride in our school and in students’ own appearance. We are proud of our college and the reputation that we have built over many years in the community.  In order that our school continues to be held in high esteem we ask that you support the College by:

  • Ensuring that you have the correct college uniform and that it is maintained in good condition and worn each day of the school week.
  • contacting the wellbeing team if you are not being able to afford uniform items.  They are only too happy to be of assistance.

I remind everyone that non-school hats, including beanies, are not to be worn. 

House Cross Country

Friday 8 April is our house cross country competition which will be held at Caulfield Racecourse Reserve. Students will complete Periods 1-3 then walk to the venue with their teacher. 


Students in Years 7-12 will depart for the event at 12:22pm and will be dismissed from the venue at approximately 2:30pm. Students will need to take their bags with them; they are permitted to wheel their bikes to Caulfield Racecourse but they must not be ridden at any time prior to 2:30pm. 


All students will need to ensure that they have lunch, snacks, and drink bottle.  Hats are compulsory.  The weather forecast predicts warm and sunny weather for Friday. 


The GEC canteen will be closed on Friday. There is no canteen at the reserve. 



Students will run around the paths contained within the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve.  All age groups will run 2.5km (twice around the track) except for the 17 year old and 18-20 boys who will run 4km (three times around the track).



Parental permission is required for students to attend house competitions.  This should be given online through XUNO or see the General Office if you need a paper copy of the form.  The “Whole School Sport” permission form gives consent for all house sport carnivals - swimming, cross country and athletics.



Ages are taken as at December 31st in the year of competition (i.e.. The age your child turns in 2022).



Students in Years 7-10 will dress in their PE uniform for the day. 


Students in Years 11 and 12 will dress in their PE uniform or House Colours for the day. 


Aaron Petersen 

Assistant Principal


Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to parents and carers for taking the time to come to school for parent teacher interviews. It was refreshing to see so many parents and carers walking around the school with students. Teachers were grateful to have an opportunity to meet parents and carers face to face.


Students have made a very strong start to 2022 after the disruptions of last year. Thank you to parents for supporting your child by reviewing the progress reports and assessment tasks found on the XUNO portal. A conversation with them to celebrate their progress and to reset for term 2 is important. 


Building Our Community and Identity Committee (BOCI), a sub-committee of council, have met once this term. The committee is comprised of students, parents and staff. The committee’s purpose is to promote awareness and celebrate the myriad cultures represented at the college.  

Cultural Diversity & Francophonie Week

It is wonderful to see students getting involved in multiple activities around the school. We had a great Cultural and Diversity Week and Francophonie Week. Students decorated the board in the foyer and participated in themed breakfast clubs.



Loveena Narayanen

Acting Assistant Principal