School News 

Royal Show Scarecrow

Room 25 has spent weeks of hard work designing and creating a scarecrow for the Royal Show. If you attend the Royal Show this year please have a look at Burrendah’s scarecrow! We are very excited to have our work displayed and can’t wait to show everyone our creative ideas. Thank you to everyone for their help and support. 

Dance Education Program 2022 (PP-Yr 6)

The Edu-Dance specialist teachers deliver a nine-lesson program, aimed at developing your child’s movement skills and ability to perform with a group.


Each class works together to develop a dance they will perform in a concert at the end of Term Four.  It Is fun and structured method which enables all students to successfully perform.


The lessons will take place at the school's undercovered assembly area.


Monday – Rooms 6, 7, 11, 12, 16b, 18, 19, 25, and 28.


Wednesday – Rooms 10, 14, 15, 16a, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 26.


Thursday – Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.


The lessons will commence next term from Wednesday 12th October.  The cost will be $37.00 per student payable to the class teacher.  


Please return the permission form below and payment, no later than Wednesday 12th October 2022.


Social Dance Year 5& 6

Social Dance lessons are introduced in Year 5 as an important part of the school social interaction program. Students participate in dance lessons conducted by professional instructors from Humphreys Dance Studio where the program prepares students with social etiquette and instruction. Modern forms combined with traditional dance are presented to students. This program teaches fitness, physical and interpersonal skills which are aspects of the Health and Physical Education and Arts Curriculum.


These skills continue to be developed in Year 6 with the culmination being the Graduation Dance where the students use their dance skills in a social setting. 


Win a $350 Bike Prize in Term 4! 

Burrendah Primary School is giving away a $350 voucher prize for a brand new bike! Children are encouraged to walk, cycle or scoot safely to school for their chance to win. This is an initiative seeking to promote road safety, health, public transport and the environment.


Each child will be given a star card and encouraged to use a mode of active daily travel for 5 weeks. For each day that a child walks or rides to school, they get a sticker placed on their card. Completed cards go into the draw to win the grand prize!


Burrendah Primary School encourages parents and carers to walk to school with your child and along the way, role model safe pedestrian behaviours such as the Stop, Look, Listen and Think procedure when crossing the road.


Live too far to walk, cycle or scoot the entire way to school? Why not drive to the nearby park (ie.Kennon Park or Aderyn Park ) or a cafe ( Southlands or Twig and Sparrow on Aspley RD ) and then walk or ride the rest of the way?


Make sure you don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to win a bike voucher!

The competition commences Term 4, Week 2, Monday 17 October.

Uniform Concepts - Willetton 

Maths Challenge

Can you write the number 1000 without using any zeros? 

Parent Network Meetings for 2022. 

Term 4

Date – Friday, October 28th - 8:40am - 9:40am in Room 20

             Friday, November 18th - 8:40am - 9:40am in Room 20

             Friday, November 25th -  8:40am - 9:40am in Room 20


Parents who regularly attended the Parent Network meetings in the past have become good friends. Many of these friendships have continued on, years after their children have left Burrendah Primary School.


It is a really good way to learn about our school, our city, and the many cultures that we encounter at Burrendah. 


Keep these dates, so you can join us during these casual meetings.