From the   Principal's


Philip Bradshaw

Junior & Senior Athletics Carnival

Last week both our Junior and Senior Athletics Carnival ran very smoothly. Thank you to both Janine Bain and Brian Crouch for all their hard work and thorough organisation to make this day so successful. Also thank you to all the teachers for preparing the students throughout the term for this special day and for arriving at school early in the morning to ensure all the shade tents were erected on time for all the students. 


Year 6 Mental Health Research – Curtin University

The move from primary to secondary school can be a stressful period for students. This move also happens during early adolescence, a time of increased risk for the development of mental health problems. Given the importance of this issue, a research team at Curtin University is conducting a project to better understand the risk and protective factors associated with child mental health during the transition to secondary school. While the primary aim of the research is to understand how children with dyslexia navigate the transition from primary to secondary school, recruiting children without a dyslexia diagnosis to act as a comparison group is important.


If you are interested in supporting this research, please refer to the attached document.


Under Cover Area 

The new Under Cover Area, which will be located on the senior basketball court, will commence construction early in Term 4. This will provide a welcome addition to our school facilities, such as a space for junior sports in winter, a shaded area for lunch and playtime, an assembly area for special events and an attached classroom. 


National Opinion Survey

Every two years the National Schools Opinion Survey is sent out to parents. Our last survey in 2020 had 195 responses. Our goal is to reach at least 250 responses.


COVID-19 is providing the opportunity to review school processes and trial what schooling could look like in the future.


The Board hopes to capture as many parent/carers responses as possible to this standard survey during such an unusual year. I urge you to add your opinions at the end of the survey on what Burrendah Primary School does well and challenges and opportunities that need addressing over the next few years at Burrendah Primary School.


This feedback will help guide our future school planning.


The survey link will be advertised In Term 4, Week 1, Tuesday 11th October 2022. This is due for completion no later than Term 4, Week 3, Friday 28th October 2022.


I thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the 2022 survey.