Middle School Report

Well done to all our Middle School Students and Staff on a fantastic Term 3. Our students have persevered with their learning and have continued to strive to challenge themselves. Students have been participating in a range of activities across Middle School. Some include R U OKAY? Day, volleyball competitions, school clubs, debating, incursions, token trade in's and the ECSC Talent Show! Check out the photos below.
I want to thank all our families for their support this Term and we look forward to continue to work together to support our Middle School Students to achieve. Have a restful break and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 4.
Phil Adams
Middle School Assistant Principal
Photos from Term 3 celebrating Year 7, 8 and 9's!
Middle School Achievements.
Prime Ministers Spelling Bee
A number of students partook in the Prime Ministers Spelling Bee where they were given 30 random words from their reading level word list. They were given 25 seconds to spell the word before they were able to move on to the next word. A big congratulations to Aaron Nieves who made it to the state finals.
Year 7 Girls Soccer - Runners Up State Champions
A huge congratulations to the Year 7 girls who represented ECSC at the state championships for soccer. This was a great achievement by the students and we are really proud of their achievement!
Year 9 Creative Streaks Artwork
Year 9 Home Group Volleyball Champions
Key Reminders:
Summer Uniform: For Term 4, students are required to wear the Summer uniform. Please check uniform to make sure it fits.
Key Dates for Term 4
- Start date Monday 3rd October
- Student Free Day Monday October 31st
- Public Holiday Tuesday 1st November
- Year 9 Homegroup Excursions- Monday November 7th- Thursday 17th November
- Student free day Monday 5th December
- Invite only awards night Thursday 8th December
- Year 7 State wide transition day Tuesday 13th December
- Last Day of School- Tuesday December 20th