
Compass App

Compass is the platform used by the college for all communication. Please make sure you have the notifications for Compass turned on so you don’t miss out on important communication that is sent out. You can look at the Parent Guide here to see how you can access different things on the App

First Aid 

It is really important that we have medications stored in first aid for those students requiring it. With Increased risks Hayfever, asthma and thunderstorm asthma we must have medical plans and medication authority forms. If your child takes ventolin, antihistamines, or even on occasion Panadol please contact the school to organise the appropriate form to be completed. 

Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)

We still have RATs available for our students at the front office.  Please do not hesitate to contact the office, or ask your child to come and collect some. 


Office Hours 

Our Office hours are as follows: 

Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 4pm

Friday 8:30am - 3:30pm


Reporting  Student Absences 

The preferred method on reporting your child absent is via the Compass Portal. You can go into the app and add an attendance note for your child, this will alert the teachers that your child is unable to attend school.  

If you need assistance in reporting your child absent via Compass, please follow the parent compass guide

Families can also call the school and select option 1 ‘to report your child absent’. Here you can simply leave a voicemail with your child’s name, duration and reason for absence, and it will be entered before the morning SMS alert is sent out.

All absences shold be breported by 8:30am to ensure attendance is marked properly 

Early Departures

We ask families, that where possible, a student's early departure is pre arranged with the College. This will avoid unecassary delays for parents, as contacting students during class time can be difficult.