Principal's Report

It has been an amazing term!!

I can only begin by saying it has been an amazing term! The ECSC students have really taken up all the opportunities presented to them this term and have begun to remember after two years of interrupted learning the positive experiences that you can have at school. There is no doubt that some of our students were a little shocked coming back on campus continuously and may have lost a little learning confidence during our remote learning times; however, many students have really demonstrated a huge improvement and commitment towards their studies for Term 3. Academic excellence and effort is acknowledged continuously across the College at year level assemblies and it has been exciting to see the increase in the amount of students receiving these awards.


During this last term and also well into Term 4 I will be continuing to recruit teachers for 2023. Next year our student population will spill over 1250 across year 7 - 12 with approximately 250 students enrolled in Year 7. This exciting but brings with it challenges in recruiting for over 20 teachers required to accomodate the curriculum program, leadership roles and increasing student population. During this time some additional works are due to begin at the College. As part of the final requirements of the Stage 2 build a verandah will be built connecting the Macedon Parade portables to house further lockers for next year; further outdoor seating will be placed; further planting and landscaping of the new garden beds and a much needed storage shed will also be positioned on the grounds.


For my Principal's report photo and the cover of this newsletter I have included the Senior Rock band. I am so proud of the achievements of our music and performing arts students. In such a short while they have enthusiastically responded to the opportunities in this subject with great commitment. As you read through the newsletter I ask you to really take note of the achievements and courage of our students: Year 7 State Soccer Finals; ECSC Got Talent; Year 11 Formal; Senior school lunchtime activities including pizza making; Year 9 Home group volleyball championship; Attendance champions and so many others. 


In final, I want to thank our teaching staff for their willingness and enthusiasm to support the students with all these activities during Term 3. For behind every activity there is a dynamic team of teachers who are wanting the best experiences for all our students at Edgars Creek Secondary College. Happy holidays to all our school community.


Joanne Camozzato

College Principal