Grade 6 Camp

Work samples and highlights from our super talented students this past fortnight

Please note: Some photos have had to be removed and /or edited due to some children not having photo permission. Please access Compass to complete the required school permissions for 2022

Grade 6 camp

In grade 6 we ran a creative writing competition for Book Week. Students were asked to write a 100 word story related to the Book Week theme, “Dreaming with Eyes Open.”

Here are the winners from 6A-

Savannah Arends-
Have you ever had a dream? A colourful and relaxing dream. Imagine. You are lying in a field. A field, full of flowers. All sorts. Poppies, dandelions, orchids. You look around and all you can see is endless patches of flowers. Slowly, you gently lift your body off the grass. You explore. Eventually, you find a statue. A statue of a giant flower. It looks old, dreamy, mystic but also mysterious. You start to think about what the story behind the statue could be. It all seemed too good to be true. Suddenly, you realise, you were dreaming with eyes open...
Brett Dumesny-Stephens-
I have a dream. Do you have a dream? I always have a dream of being an AFL and cricket player. I want to be a comedian and more! I have a lot of amazing dreams but I can’t do them all because if I do I will be running around like a headless chook! Whatever your mind sets you and you want to do you can do it! I have said this a lot of times and now I’m going to tell you a catchphrase that I say what you want to do something; Don’t ever let someone tell you can’t do it because they’re wrong. It’s your life and you are in control.
Isaiah Oppusunggu-
“Color comes in all shapes and sizes. Don’t you think so?” I woke up due to that ominous voice. When I wake up, everything seems different. I’m in an endless white corridor. Questions come into my mind. Who am I? Where am I? These thoughts drift out of my mind like a boat floating off into fog. I take a deep breath and start walking. Something off. Every step I take, color begins to return to everything. After some time, everything returns to normal. Sure, you don’t remember anything, but I guess it was just a dream anyway.