Giulia Imbrogno

Duty of care

Parents/caregivers are reminded that they must sign their child/children in and out of the program each morning and evening.  The Federal Government has stated that this is mandatory as parents are handing over duty of care to Out of School Hours Care (OSHC).  Children are not permitted to enter or leave the Program on their own.  If the child/children are to be collected by anyone other than those listed on the enrolment form, the Director must receive notification from parent/caregivers.  Upon collection, they must produce photo identity.  Otherwise, the child/children will not be permitted to leave the program in the care of any unauthorised person. 



Parents/caregivers are reminded tax invoices are emailed weekly and accounts are to be paid weekly.

Our bank details are:   

St Brigid’s School OSHC   

Account BSB: 085005   

Account No: 456659866   

Description:  OSHC & child’s name



As we are approaching warmer weather, parents are reminded children need a hat for OSHC if the UV is 3 or above. Children can leave a spare wide bream hat at OSHC – no caps. Sunscreen is available in OSHC – please supply you own sunscreen if your child cannot use sunscreen supplied.  


                                                                   OUR WEEK AT OSHC

Science Week
Science Week
Movie & Popcorn
Movie & Popcorn


Term 4

Pupil Free Day Monday 17th of October


If there is any way, I can assist please don’t hesitate to discuss it with me. 

Email: oshcdirector@stb.catholic.edu.au 

OSHC mobile number: 0448 830652 


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning


Giulia Imbrogno

OSHC Director