Learning Hub & Wellbeing 

'The Hub has become a real asset in our school, highly valued by staff and students alike.'

Every day is the day to ask R U OK?

Last week we acknowledged R U OK? Day -  when we are reminded that every day is a day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation to support people.  

Students participated in activities throughout the week that grew their knowledge, skills and ability on noticing signs and behaviours that could indicate that someone may not be doing okay. This included class visits with Pod Bear a wonderful asessmly and display by 5/6C.




 You've got what it takes

You don't need to be an expert to ask, 'are you OK?' but if you need some guidance we suggest you check out ALEC - the 4 Steps of an R U OK? conversation.

  1. Ask
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage action
  4. Check in

Be sincere with your question, look for the signs, reach out when you notice someone isn't themselves and really listen to their answer.

Showing you care can make someone feel supported and connected and taking the time for a meaningful conversation might be just what someone needs to help them through a tough time.



Mrs Louise Davidge

HUB, Learning & Diversity
