Principal's News

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Dear Families


Today we come to the close of Term 3 and what a term it has been. It may have been a wet and cold Melbourne winter, however we have had ten solid weeks of learning to be proud and grateful for. We also had much on offer and to celebrate, this has included three school camps, the Footsteps Dance program, Athletics Day, Book Week, Father's and Special Friend's Day celebrations, our Eucharist ceremony and today we have finished the term off with the fun-filled Footy Day that included a parade, activities and special lunch!




Melbourne Tram

I am delighted to share this exciting news, that as part of the Retired Trams Strategy, Fatima will be receiving an old Melbourne tram later this year. Our proposal for the tram becoming part of our play space was accepted. We outlined the value of play and its importance to overall development of children. Some of our key points included, play:

  • helps children develop language and reasoning skills
  • encourages autonomous thinking and problem solving 
  • helps improve their ability to focus and control their behaviour
  • supports children to learn discovery, and
  • develop verbal and manipulative skills, judgment and reasoning and creativity.

The preparation and it's arrival is still in the works. I will communicate more as this unfolds.

Principal Morning Tea

This morning some lucky students enjoyed a special morning tea with me - the Principal. As part of our schoool positive behaviour program, students receive a 'Gotcha' whenever they are seen doing a good deed and following the school expectations. Every Friday, three students from Juniors, Middles and Seniors are drawn out from the Gotcha tubs. Students are then able to select a reward that appeals to them - one of them being the morning tea. It has become a hit, with the word getting out that there are some delicious treats on offer. I find this time an absolute joy to sit with the students and chat about all things important to them. Below is a photo of today's wonderful students.


Today we celebrated and thanked Mr Bill Carroll, who has decided to retire this month. He has worked at Fatima for the past eleven years and has helped with all things to do with maintenance and keeping our grounds looking beautiful and clean. We may not have always seen Bill, as he would be at school nice and early and gone before most staff have even arrived! However, his thoughfulness and care for the people and grounds will be missed. We do look forward to seeing Bill around in his role as grandfather though. All the best, Bill!

School Reports

I wish to give you a heads up that our end of year school reports and beyond will be digital. The accessibility will be communicated closer to the release date.


Victorian Institute of Teaching

In Term 2 we had the Victorian Institue of Teaching visit for a photo shoot. Below are some of the wonderful moments captured. Fatima is featured on the VIT website and in the August circular and newsletters - this is an amazing achievement and one for us all to be proud about. Also Amanda Heggen, our Visual Arts and Sustainability educator, is highlighted in a feature article for Excellence in Teaching too, please click below to read. Next term, the director of Catholic Eduction Melboure will also feature Fatima in his eNewsletter.


As we come to the end of another busy and fabulous term, I thank you sincerely for your contribution to our school in whatever way that may be. To all our volunteers, your time and care is much appreciated.


Finally, I wish you and your loved ones the most enjoyable break. I hope you get to move at a slower pace, share some wonderful experiences together and if you're like me find joy in not setting an alarm!


See you all on Monday 3rd October!


Go gently

Sarah McDermott :)