Book Week 

Featuring Hogwarts Professors

Joe- Snape, Gabi- Mad Eye Moody, Zoe- Trelawney, Sarah N- Dumbledore, Sarah M-McGonagall, Phil- Hagrid

From Alice, Sarah M and Lizzie

On Friday the 26th of August, something curious happened at NMPS 


Prep Team - The Hungry Caterpillar Theme
Prep Team - The Hungry Caterpillar Theme


There were no students to be seen, but plenty of Red Queens, Dog Mans, Harry Potters, and Mary Poppins. 


There were no teachers anywhere either, except for the Professors from Hogwarts who seemed to have taken over leadership duties for the day!


It was of course our annual Book Week Character dress-up day, back with a bang after a two-year hiatus. The students and staff alike went to an incredible effort with their dress-ups, which they showed off to their year level in a parade and then again at our whole school assembly. 


Dreaming With Eyes Open

The Hunger Games - Year 6 teacher - Lizzie, Risa, Sarah C, Jane & Josie
The Hunger Games - Year 6 teacher - Lizzie, Risa, Sarah C, Jane & Josie


This year the theme for Book Week is Dreaming With Eyes Open. This theme is about Country and dreaming. Dreaming is always around us, now, then, and always. In the classroom and library, students have been exploring the shortlisted titles of the CBC Book of the Year awards, creating BFG Dream jars, making costumes, and showcasing their work with a classroom display. 


Book Stall 

Students and families have also been visiting the second-hand book stall and picking up some amazing bargains. This year we were able to raise over $200 which will go towards The Indigenous Literacy Foundation. It was so lovely to walk around the school and hear students being read to, students reading, and students discussing books with each other. Most importantly doing what we do as a community every day at NMPS is to share our love of reading and books! 


Thank You

We would like to extend a great big thank you to all the staff, students and families who helped make this year’s Book Week a resounding success. 


Featuring Student Costumes 

Year 2 Students -Sofia & Lila
Year 2 Students -Sofia & Lila
BW-Year 4 students (Anna, Heidi, Hazel, Zola, Mona and Millah)
BW-Year 4 students (Anna, Heidi, Hazel, Zola, Mona and Millah)

Featuring NMPS Staff

Year 4 Team - Happily Never After Theme Maleficent, Wicked Witch of the West, Evil Queen, Scar, and Cruella
Year 4 Team - Happily Never After Theme Maleficent, Wicked Witch of the West, Evil Queen, Scar, and Cruella
Year 5 Team - Peter Pan Theme
Year 5 Team - Peter Pan Theme
Specialist Teachers- Eleanor, LIam, Mel & Ben
Year 1 Teachers - Jane,Karen, Kate & Shaun
Specialist Teachers- Eleanor, LIam, Mel & Ben
Year 1 Teachers - Jane,Karen, Kate & Shaun
Hogwarts Professors Joe- Snape Gabi- Mad Eye Moody Zoe- Trelawney Sarah N- Dumbledore Sarah M- McGonagall Phil- Hagrid
Hogwarts Professors Joe- Snape Gabi- Mad Eye Moody Zoe- Trelawney Sarah N- Dumbledore Sarah M- McGonagall Phil- Hagrid