Message from Principal Sarah

From Sarah Nightingale, Principal /Professor Dumbledore

Term 3 proves to be as busy as ever with many different events and opportunities for our students to engage in. Last week Group 2 Year 4 students enjoyed their Allambee camp and we celebrated Wear it Purple Day and Book Week. This week our Year 3 are heading to the zoo for an excursion, our Year 4 students have a Historical Volunteers classroom visit, and next week our Year 5 students are off to Falls Creek for their Ski Camp.

Book Week

As always, our school strongly embraced the opportunity to dress up and celebrate Book Week. There were some amazing costumes and classroom displays. A big thank you to Alice and Sarah M for all their organisation. Please check out some of the amazing costumes from the day later in this newsletter.

Staff in Book Week Costumes
Staff in Book Week Costumes

Bloke’s Breakfast

This Friday 2nd September the Parents and Friends Association is running our annual ‘Bring a Bloke to Breakfast’ from 7:30 am – 9 am. Please check out the flyers around the school and refer to the Parents and Friends section of this newsletter for further information.


3 Way Conferences

Our 3 Way Conferences will be held on the 14th and 15th of September. These conferences provide a forum for teachers, students, and parents to acknowledge student progress and achievement over the term. Teachers will be working with students over the coming weeks, to discuss work samples that may be shared in the 3 Way Conference. Information on how to book your child’s conference has been shared via Compass.


Parent/Carers Opinion Survey

As shared in the last newsletter, this year we have distributed our Parent/Carers Opinion Survey to all families. At the moment, we only have a 12% response rate. We are hoping that all families will complete the survey this year, as the results are highly valued in terms of continuous improvement and future planning for our school. If you haven’t already, please take the time to complete this survey. Information is available on Compass. 


New Campus Update

I’m delighted to announce we now have our new campus names for North Melbourne Primary School.


It’s exciting to see the new Molesworth Street campus, which will run as a Prep to Year 2 junior campus, nearing closer to completion. Our Errol Street campus will move to a Year 3 to Year 6 campus model to support continuity for our current students.


We may have two campuses, but we are always one school.


I am working closely with our leadership team and staff to support our students throughout this transition period as best we can. Student learning will occur across both campuses and our goal is for each student to feel they belong on either campus. It’s exciting to see the ELC on level 5 take shape also and I look forward to building on those relationships with the provider and families in the future.


Please refer to the VSBA website for further information about our new campus, including information about an upcoming information evening in Term 4.