Principal's Message

I wish to start by congratulating Miss Bonsey and the wonderful Year 1 students in Bilbies for presenting our latest assembly. They did a wonderful job with their item, for which they should be proud. We are looking forward to seeing what the PP/1 students in Magpies have in store for us next Friday 16 September, which will be our last assembly for the term.
A huge thank you to all our parents for supporting us in providing swimming lessons for our PP - Year 4 students recently. I know this is a big undertaking for families (drying clothes and towels each night, finding lost goggles, etc.!) but the benefit is clear, with students demonstrating great progress with their swimming - an incredibly important skill for life. A big thanks also to the staff for all their help during swimming.
Father's Day Stall
Thank you to our fantastic P&C for organising and running another successful Father's Day stall. We hope the fathers and other role models enjoyed their special day over the weekend.
Sports Carnivals
The Jumps and Throw events took place at the school yesterday, with the Faction Carnival taking place tomorrow, Thursday 8 September. We hope you can make it along to cheer on your child/ren tomorrow.
This year, we are hosting the interschool carnival at Marangaroo, so we look forward to welcoming parents from our school and others on Thursday 22 September.
Kindy Café
Next Thursday 15 September, from 9am until 10.15am. Miss Woodmansey, Mrs Giles and Mrs Godwin are hosting our first of three Kindy Café sessions. These sessions are for children who will be attending Kindy next year. If your child is attending Kindy in 2023, please bring them along to this session, which will focus on the children getting to know a school environment and each other, in a play-based experience. There will be two further sessions during Term Four. Please bring a small healthy snack for your child to eat at the session.
If you have not yet enrolled your child for Kindy next year, please contact the staff in Reception as soon as possible.
School Board - Annual General Meeting
On Wednesday 2 November at 3:30pm, the school board will be meeting after school for the final time this year. This meeting is our annual general meeting, where all parents and community members are invited to attend and observe. If you are interested, please get in contact.
Mrs Christine Kerman
Finally, I would like to inform you that Mrs Kerman in the front office is taking leave for the remainder of the year, and is likely to retire at the end of this leave. I am incredibly grateful for all the support Mrs Kerman has provided the staff, students and parents in her time at MPS and I wish her the very best of luck for the adventure that lies ahead for her.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Adrian Keenan