From our Principal 

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

It is hard to believe that the end of the Term is upon us. Upon reflection, there is a growing sense of hope that the pandemic is behind us. This reflection comes on the back of reviewing the past weeks and the plethora of whole school, community events that have been held during this time. These have included: the election of College Leaders for 2023, RUOK Day, Active Day and Footy Colours Day, Book Week and the VET Music Performance night. It is these very events that builds so significantly a sense of community and belonging.

Performing Arts Centre is open

This week students and staff on the Clyde North campus were given the first chance to enter the new St. Peter’s College Performing Arts Centre with many amazed at the facility and what it will offer our community. The Performing Arts Centre has been 10 years in the planning, the plans themselves took two years to create and the building itself a further two years to build. The final result is an outstanding resource for St. Peter’s College. The 450-seat auditorium will provide a wonderful gathering space, assembly space as well as a performance venue for both campuses. Its integration with the Music/Drama/Dance space and the Hospitality centre provides the opportunity to integrate classroom learning into major events. We look forward to showcasing this wonderful facility to our college community in many and varied ways. 


Culminating in our now traditional colour run, RUOK day provided all with a significant message around mental health. At the very core of the RUOK campaign is the encouragement of, and commitment to, checking in on those that are vulnerable. It is a calling to be in solidarity with each other and commit to a community-based approach to tackling what is a significant issue for youth. Central to the tenets of Catholic Social teaching is the dignity and respect afforded to all. Last weekend’s Gospel spoke of the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7) and whilst the story centres around forgiveness, in the context of RUOK day and looking out for the vulnerable, seeking out the lost sheep and bring them back to the fold is a strong message for us all. I congratulate, in particular, the VCAL groups on both campuses for leading the activities of the day. It is also a time to give thanks to our Well-Being Teams and especially our Counselling Teams who support, on a daily basis, those that are not feeling okay. The question, “RUOK” was asked of all last Thursday, the important learning stemming from this is for all to ask that same question of others every day.

This is an R U OK? resource. Further information and free resources are available at

Activities Day

One of the impacts of the COVID pandemic has been a reduction in the engagement of students in regular physical activity or organised team sport. The age of electronic devices and young people’s reliance on them adds to the levels of inactivity. In recognition of this the VCAL groups on both campuses have this week invited students to get Active. Active/Footy Colours day highlighted the importance and the fun of getting active. Studies show that increased levels of inactivity lead to chronic health related diseases including obesity and cardio-vascular diseases as well as social-emotional well-being issues. I congratulate our VCAL classes in raising once again the importance of engaging in physical activity.


I was reading a blog the other day and came across an article on the benefits of wearing school uniform. It stated this: “It is clearly shown in academic studies that school uniform should be worn by students at all times no matter what…..It is important for various reasons, however, I chose 3 reasons that I thought was most important. 1) It gives the students' a sense of unity and equality between them. 2) It decreases or stops the chances of bullying. 3) School uniform creates a feeling of pride in the student school. The uniform helps students’ with their lives directly or indirectly.”

Pride is a theme worth exploring, pride in school, pride in learning and pride in the way we represent the College. It begins with students wearing the school uniform with pride. With the change in seasons and the change from winter to summer uniform, it is essential that all students are wearing complete and proper uniform, including the wearing of blazers. There are several days in which the uniform shop is open between now and the beginning of Term 4. Click here for further information.

Reminder: First day of Term 4 is Monday, 3 October 2022.


Enjoy the week ahead and for our students, enjoy the holidays and stay safe.








Mr Chris Black
