Community News

Athletics Carnival
On the last day of term we will be holding our Athletics Carnival at Toomuc Reserve (off Princes Highway). This event is an important component in students developing a connection with the College and encouraging College Pride.
Consent to this event is ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE through parents/carers Compass. Approval for this event closes at the end of the day, Monday, 3rd April. Students who do not receive approval will remain at school on Thursday and will be completing supervised schoolwork in the library.
If your child attended the Swimming Carnival held in February, you have already provided approval for your child to attend the Athletics Carnival and DO NOT need to consent again for this event.
Date and Time: | Thursday 6th April from 9am until 2:30pm |
Dress Code: | House colours or school sports uniform |
Transport: | Students will be walking to and from the event |
Food: | We recommend students bring their own lunch and water bottle on the day. A BBQ and soft drinks will be available for purchase on the day (menu appears below). |
Important: | STRICTLY NO fast food deliveries or Uber Eats will be allowed or accepted.
Sunscreen and shade will be available. |
Please note that on the day, multiple photos are taken of students participating in events and those who are cheering on their Houses. These are then shared on the College's social media (Facebook and Instagram). If you DO NOT want your child's photo taken and published, please ask our General Office for a Media Consent Form and complete prior to the day.
A fundraising barbecue will be available on the day, with all proceeds going to the Royal Children's Hospital Friday Appeal. Students are requested to bring small change to pay for the food items.
Pakenham Warriors Training Initiative - Term 2
We have two different sessions running in Term 2 - A 'Girls Only' session and a 'Mixed' session. Please refer to the image below for all the details.
To book a place please click here.
Donate Blood
Got a bit of time next week? Time to give blood and change lives?
1 in 3 people in Pakenham will need blood, and they need people like you to give it.
There will be a Pop-up Blood Donor Centre at the Pakenham Library Community Hall (Cnr John and Henry Streets) from the 17th to the 28th April.
Please don’t forget to pre-book your spot on, or through their app on 13 14 95.
The opening hours are listed below:
Date | Opening Hours |
Monday 17th April | 12.30pm - 8pm |
Tuesday 18th April | 12pm - 8pm |
Wednesday 19th April | 12pm - 8pm |
Thursday 20th April | 12pm - 8pm |
Friday 21st April | 8am - 3.30pm |
Saturday 22nd April | 8am - 3pm |
Monday 24th April | 12pm - 8pm |
Tuesday 25th April | 8am - 3.30pm |
Wednesday 26th April | 12pm - 8pm |
Thursday 27th April | 8am - 3.30pm |
Friday 28th April | 8am - 3pm |
Pakenham Level Crossing Removal Project
Main Street closure
Main Street will be closed at the level crossing between Webster Way and Station Street from Saturday 1 April to Thursday 6 April for the installation of bridge beams over Main Street. Pedestrian access will be maintained.
On street parking on the station side of Bald Hill Road, between Henty Street and Webster Way will be removed for the duration of these works.
During these works local access will be maintained for all businesses and residents. Follow traffic management instructions.
McGregor Road closure
McGregor Road will be closed at the level crossing between Colonial Way and Rogers Street from Monday 17 April to Saturday 22 April for the installation of bridge beams over McGregor Road. Henty Street residents will still be able to turn left onto McGregor Road.
At times during these works pedestrian access may be closed at the level crossing at McGregor Road.
A free shuttle will be provided for pedestrians to move around the area.
Detour Map
Please click here to see the latest construction update
Additional Information - Works Notification Henty Street Traffic Changes for L-Beam Installation
The dangerous and congested level crossings at McGregor Road, Main Street, and Racecourse Road, are being removed by building a rail bridge over the roads and delivering new stations at Pakenham and East Pakenham.
From the 28 February until July 2023, the project will be delivering and installing L-Beams along Henty Street. Lbeams are concrete segments that range from 25m to 32.8m long. They join together to make the rail bridge. To complete these works the team will be required to intermittently remove some parking on Henty Street and work some nights.
School Canteen
Please click here for the latest price list from our canteen. This is their basic menu and they offer daily specials in addition to the set menu.
Breakfast Club
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