Year 8's: Man Cave and Flourish Girl

This week, all Year 8 students were involved in an all day incursion from either Man Cave or Flourish Girl, which are both rite of passage programs using evidence based practice to deliver school workshops. Both organisations have partnered to support young people on the journey to adulthood in an uncertain world.
Man Cave worked with male identifying students to complete their second workshop, which focuses on giving students the tools, the role models and the space to unpack their experiences, reconnect with their peers and develop healthier relationships.
If you require any further information about Man Cave please visit
Flourish Girl worked with female identifying and gender diverse students to look at building their self-awareness, self confidence and social connectedness, within the school community and other trusted relationships. Students were given the space to develop their social and emotional tools they need to connect with themselves and the people around them. More information about the organisation can be found here.