Careers Update

Year 10 Work Experience week for Semester 1: April 3rd à April 6th
(any student wishing to complete 5 days can commence on Friday 31st March)
* We are seeking expressions of interest from any local businesses who would be willing to provide an opportunity for one of our Year 10 students during this time. Please e-mail Casey Howell ( for further information.
Dates for 2023:
Pathways to Success, semester 1: Monday 3rd – Thursday 6th April
(Friday 31st March is available for any students wishing to complete 5 days inn term 1)
Pathways to Success, semester 2: Monday 11th – Friday 15th September
Get in early and organise YOUR amazing experience, many programs are open for applications now. Please contact Casey Howell in the Careers Office for any further details (