Parish Open Day: Trinity College : This Sunday : 3 pm to 4.30 pm.  Prayer of the church lead by FR. Michael in the College Chapel at 3.30pm (15 minutes)

Thanks Michael O'T.


The Sacramental Team met at St Mary’s last week and planned dates for the Sacrament of Reconciliation Program. On Thursday an Expression of Interest and an Enrolment form, for the Sacrament of Reconciliation were sent home with the Year 2 & Year 5 children that are enrolled as catholics at our school.  Just a reminder, there can be times when children may miss the opportunity to participate and receive their sacrament due to absence or change of schools etc.  There are usually children from older year levels that will join the Year 2 & Year 5 children in the Reconciliation Program due to missed previous opportunities. 

lf you do not receive a letter and would like  your child to participate please contact the school and a letter will be sent home.

Please note; The Eucharist/ Confirmation Program, for the Year 3 students, has been scheduled for July/ August. 


Today we celebrate Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Tuesday, a day in which we prepare for the next 40 days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter Sunday. 

We will also be conducting a brief Burning of the Ashes Ceremony. Each child has written a personal promise to God in the form of giving up something (ie lollies), performing a Good Deed for 40 days, or changing something in their life to make themselves a better person. As part of Shrove Tuesday, our children always have a great time planning, preparing, making and eating pancakes with their classmates. At the same time they are building on their literacy, mathematics and social skills whilst interacting and learning together. In Catholic tradition, Shrove Tuesday was the last opportunity to use up food that couldn’t be eaten,  such as eggs and fats before embarking on the Lenten fast. Pancakes are the perfect way of using up these ingredients. 

Tomorrow we are celebrating Ash Wednesday, The first day of the Lenten season and Catholic tradition we mark the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert as time of Prayer, Fasting and Alms giving. The Year 3-6 students will be attending the Ash Wednesday Mass at St Mary's and the Years 1- 3 students will be participating in the Ash Wednesday Liturgy at Sacred Heart School.


Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader  / Religious Education Leader