Applications are called for nominations for the School Advisory Council for 2023-24.

The School Advisory Council is an important consultative body that assists the Principal in policy direction and planning for the future needs of the school.


The School Advisory Council meets twice per term.


Councillors commit to a two year term and may nominate for one further term of two years. If you would like to nominate for a position on School council please ask someone to nominate you on the form below and ensure you have signed to accept this nomination before returning it to the school office by Wednesday March 8th


N.b. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies an election will be held in line with the Sacred Heart School Advisory Council Constitution.



I wish to nominate ______________________________________ for a position on the School 


Advisory Council for Sacred Heart Primary School, Colac.



Signed: __________________________________ Name:______________________________




I, __________________________________ accept the nomination for School Advisory Council




Signed:__________________________________  Date:__________________________