Junior School 

Years 7 to 9

It’s a busy time in the Junior School.  Our Year 7s have settled back into the routine of school after a wonderful time away at camp at Halls Gap.  It’s been great to see their friendships develop and their confidence grow as they’re now mid-way through their first term of secondary schooling.  On Tuesday we had a year level assembly to acknowledge and celebrate those students who have received merit points, had 100% attendance to date and been appointed to the Student Representative Council (SRC).  This evening our SRC reps from all year levels will be formally presented with their certificates at the College Investiture Ceremony.  Our Year 7 scholarship recipients will also be presented at this event – more to come on this in the next edition of the newsletter.

The Year 7s have also had a wonderful start to their NAPLAN testing period. Students have been working hard to demonstrate their skills to the best of their ability. They have continued to be very switched on and engaged learners in their other classes too with some classes even taking the opportunity to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine by utilising our outdoor learning spaces. 

Our year 9s have had another full day of RAID program activities, this time onsite at school.  You can read more about this in the standalone RAID program report.  The cohort now looks forward to their day in the city including a tour of the MCG later this month.


This week we commenced NAPLAN testing for Year 7 and 9 students.  This will continue throughout this week and next. 


A reminder to please ask students to check their timetables as rooms where classes were timetabled may have changed as a result of the commencement of building works (outlined earlier in the newsletter).  NAPLAN will also have an impact on timetabled classes over the next fortnight.  If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to the respective Year Level Coordinators or Junior School Leaders.


The Blue EDGE program, run by Blue Light Victoria in partnership with Victoria Police, has been running since the beginning of the term with a motivated group of Yr 8 & 9 students.  Guided by the principles of Educate, Develop, Grow & Empower, these students have participated twice a week in an intense exercise session, followed by afternoon tea and a workshop covering a diverse range of topics such as effective communication, healthy decision making and examining stereotypes and unconscious bias.   Student engagement has been high and it is rewarding to see how the students have developed new skills and made strides in their ability to facilitate teamwork and lead others.   We are fortunate in that Blue Edge will bring their expertise and enthusiasm to work with a new group of students in Term 2.